Wednesday, November 20, 2013

11 Ways to organize your purse

Whether you own one or two dozen purses, you need to organize the purses and the contents inside of them in order to keep organized in much of your life. It might sound dramatic, but having an unorganized purse can become quite a drag on your everyday life. I'm going to share 11 ways to organize your purse, both inside and out!

First, if you like to change your purses every day or not, you need to keep things inside easy to grab and find. Using individual cosmetic bags. It helps if you are looking for something quickly. It also helps when you DO change a purse to a smaller one and you can decide whether or not you really need the cosmetic bag of "X" or not. 

But, now let's also look at organizing the purses you've got, too!


Most likely you'll organize them in a closet of some sort and here are some great ideas. Use simple shower curtain rings on the rod in your closet to hang purses.

Organizing Made Fun

I used simple cardboard boxes {pretty ones from Ikea} and cut them down to size to fit between shelves to store all my purses. 

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You can also find a dollar store bin and use that to store them without a lid. 
Closet Purse Organizer

How about something you can more visually see? I like this closet purse organizer for that. 

Hanging purse organizer

If you'd rather have them hanging, this one looks fun and easy to deal with also. 

Lucky Magazine

If you just don't have the closet space, well why not use an old TV cabinet and turn it into a dresser for your purses?

Seventeen magazine

It's easy to turn a wall into pretty art using hooks and your collection of purses!

Shelf dividers

Using shelf dividers inside a hall closet works great, too!

Back of door purse holder

And, of course, the back of the door is one of my other favorite places to use! Hang your purses there with an organizer!

Organizing Made Fun

Last, if you just don't have all these purses, you at least need a hook in your entry area so you can hang your purse when you come in! How do you organize your purses?

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